Tuesday 10 May 2011

Magazine Magic

How exciting.
I had the previlidge of visiting the offices of Express Publications to spend some time with Marilyn Horwood, the editor of Embroidery and Cross Stitch Magazine.

I arrived a little early and she was still proofing the pages for the next edition. She invited me to sit with her and watch the process. Not only did I get a sneak peek at what's coming up next, I saw how the rough proofs of the magazine were checked by Marilyn for content and consistency. She talked openly and freely while I watched her bring up the pages on her computer and I learned a little on the process of the layout and advertising.

Then we went upstairs to her office where Marilyn showed me more of the gorgeous work that's soon to grace the pages of E&C. Wow! There are some talented people in this world. To see all the stitched samples together was quite daunting. I had to remind myself that they come from many different people with a wide range of talents and experience. Luckily Marilyn also seemed appreciative of the work I'd brought to show her. She appeared to be particularly interested in my dyed background fabric.

As I was leaving, she showed me different departments and introduced me to editors of other magazines that I've often enjoyed such as 'HandMade', 'Beading' and 'Country Craft'. Not only were they all such lovcly people, they made it clear I'd be welcome to submit work (from the other crafts I enjoy) to their magazines.

And what a place to work!
There's patchwork quilts, samples of fabric, and examples of people's work everywhere. It certainly wouldn't be the ideal office for anyone who enjoys clear surfaces, but I'd be in my element.

I left feeling so inspired and ready to create. I look forward to a bright future contributing designs to the many wonderful magazines at Express Publications.


  1. How exciting for you Jenni. That must have been fascinating.
    I haven't been able to find your work in the shops yet - can't seem to find the mag lately although I have seen it in the newsagents before.
    BTW I am on the NSW south coast.


  2. Hi Nerida
    so far my work is only in two issues of Cross Stitch and Embroidery (Cross Stitch and Beyond). but Marilyn has just taken 5 projects to publish. They generally take a few months to come out.
    I have just one (older) design at etsy which you can view by clicking on the 'charts' page on the right of this blogpost (underneath the followers list).
    I'm working on getting some more up to date charts to put on Etsy ... but everytime I do a new chart a magazine buys it. LOL
    I think I may have to reserve some as exclusives for this site.

    It's nice to meet another Australian. is it getting cold on the South Coast. The temperatures sure are dropping here in the mountains.

  3. :) please keep updating when the magazines come out it can get hard to catch the magazines because they aren't in every newsagent all the time.

  4. Jenni, that sounds like a wonderful day...heaven in fact, to be surrounded by all that stitching! Lucky you...can you tell I'm jealous!!! Congrats on five projects being taken that's wonderful news. You'll have to posts pictures of the designs (when you can!) as I have never seen those magazines here in the States.
