Friday, 8 July 2011

Beads in Cross Stitch

I did a little research and according to the sites I read on the internet, beading in cross stitch has been around since the first recorded samplers in 1580. That probably means it's been around longer than that.

I rather enjoy putting beads into my cross stitch work. But last night was the first time I've made a design entirely with beads.

 It was a little hard for me to get a good photo of it. The first photo shows the sparkle of the beads, while the photo below shows the design.
I used a pearl chabochon with a silver setting for an elegant focal point. You can get these from bead and craft stores. It's stitched on one of my hand dyed pieces of 14 count aida.
The chart is availbale in my etsy store.
Click on the charts page to your right to purchase the chart.


  1. I never used beads in a cross stitch. I think I would like to try someday soon

  2. It's gorgeous! And I love how the lines of color in the fabric seem to radiate out from the design.
