Tuesday 15 May 2012

That's It, Back to work

well I tried ....

I haven't earned enough money and things kept breaking around the house (my house is working against me). So I have to find another job.

I've applied at four different places so far. None of them are very exciting, but they all have one advantage. A regular pay cheque.

I've totally lost enthusiasm for anything, so if you don't hear from me in a while, you know why.
I'm so sorry to be a downer to the 31 lovely people who follow this blog.

I hope to continue producing cross stitch, bead and patchwork projects in my spare time. But it's now just a hobby.

Oh well, at least I'll get to do some of that Joan Eliott stitching I've always wanted to do.


1 comment:

  1. oh *hugs* well at least you can make stuff in your spare time.
    Are you going back to teaching or something else?
