Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Oh So Cute

I've just finished quilting a baby quilt for a lovely lady called Caroline Wilkinson.
The blocks were hand appliqued and embroidered by members of the family for the baby.
I completed it with free motion quilting around the qpplique/embroidery blocks and pretty rose or swirl borders in the dragonfly fabrics.
The quilt will be a wall hanging so the buttons were OK to add.
Carolyn loved what I did (I bound the quilt and also added the rod hanging so I was able to hand over a completed quilt which is a nice change).
She said my quilting took her patchwork to a whole new level and I could quote that for my blog. How nice!


Friday, 15 August 2014

Black and White

Hi again

I'm quite sick at the moment with sinusitis.

So I'm just working on a black and white quilt for a customer, using the QBOT.
I got up this morning feeling yuck and thought it would be a good project as most of the work is done by the robot.

Hmmmmm .... Things conspired against me. I think it was because I'm unwell. First I pinned the backing on wrong side out on the frame and had to unpin it. Then I pinned it so that the shortest side was the bottom. When I looked at the quilt top I remembered it was directional and had to unpin it again. Luckily I was paying attention.

THEN when I started the robot I had a threading issue which I had to fix. Sigh. But oh well. It's running away happily in the background now and I'm able to blog.

I'm already feeling a bit better thanks to the antibiotics. A few more days and I'll be well enough to tackle the custom baby quilt which was supposed to be next on the list.

Thanks for reading