Saturday, 22 December 2012

yay, Holidays

Saturday 22nd December 2012

Yesterday was my last day at the OOSH (Out of school hours care - remember that term, I'll use it from now on as it's quicker). It was an interesting day with one horendously behaved 5 year old and another one causing a panic by choking on a boiled lolly. We had to call 000, but because he was breathing they didn't need to come out and just advised us over the phone. He coughed it up after about 15 minutes, but it was a VERY tense quarter of an hour as he was in quite a bit of ditress. Then, when it was out he ran around as if nothing had happened while we staff were still shaking from the adrenalin!!!!

Anyway, it's holidays now and i'm enjoying finishing a completely frivilous reindeer stitch from 'Simple Stitch' kits. Here's my progress so far.

 I'll post again on Sunday evening to show you how far I've gotten and then when it's finished.

See you then,

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